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Ring in 2021 with Beautiful Music!

It’s here! The end of 2020.

We haven’t encountered a single person who isn’t eager to turn the page and start the new year, with fervent hopes for a return to some degree of normal. It is certainly worth contemplating what we have learned and how we have grown through the experiences of this past year, and in a way it is hard to believe that we are looking new possibilities directly in the eye with the simple change of a calendar date.

At Ars Nova Singers we are excited by what we have created in the past and what is in our future. We are thrilled that you have been with us along the way, and hope that you will stay to see what is ahead! Our final gift to you is this selection from our holiday concert – a bit of celebration, a little humor, and a lot of love. Please enjoy Boulder Wassail as you thank the past and greet the New Year. See you in 2021!